Data & Reporting
Disclaimer: Per a court order, HHS is required to restore this website as of 11:59 PM February 14, 2025. Any information on this page promoting gender ideology is extremely inaccurate and disconnected from the immutable biological reality that there are two sexes, male and female. The Trump Administration rejects gender ideology and condemns the harms it causes to children, by promoting their chemical and surgical mutilation, and to women, by depriving them of their dignity, safety, well-being, and opportunities. This page does not reflect biological reality and therefore the Administration and this Department rejects it.

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) recipients and sub-recipients (funded by Parts A through D) collect and report client-level data. These data are used to monitor the effectiveness of RWHAP services and progress toward national HIV/AIDS goals, including addressing disparities among communities of color.
Technical assistance is available to recipients to help them to collect and report data appropriately.
- Sign up to receive e-mail updates.
- Visit the Data Forums to share experiences and learn from peers.
- Newbies: See Roadmap: New to the RSR.
Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team
Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team
Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning Technical Assistance Center (IHAP TAC)
Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team
Technical Assistance
CAREWare help desk addresses issues pertaining to the CAREWare data collection system. - 877-294-3571 - [email protected]
Help with the RSR, ADR, CDR, EHE, HIVQM, and AETC data systems. Project period: 2020-2025.
Help with HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHB) - 877-464-4772 - 8am-8pm ET, M-F - Contact HRSA About the EHB
This SPNS initiative seeks to improve state capacity to collect and report HIV viral suppression data in the annual state Medicaid Adult Core Set reporting. Project period: 2021-2025.
Interactive data tool to visualize the reach, impact, and outcomes of the RWHAP. HRSA offers office hours and webinars to help use the tool.
RSR, ADR, HIVQM, PTR, AETC, DSR, GCMS, EHE - 888-640-9356 - 10am-6:30pm ET, M-F [email protected] Project period: 2022-2026.