Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative

The Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative is a collaborative effort across U.S. federal agencies to reduce the number of new HIV infections in the United States by 75 percent by 2025, and then by at least 90 percent by 2030, for an estimated 250,000 total HIV infections averted. The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is a key player in this effort. Many recipients and TA providers have received funding for intensive local and regional program planning, coordination, and implementation activities. Access the latest RWHAP data reports and slide decks, including the EHE Data Report.

See AHEAD.HIV.gov to track the initiative's progress and access TAP-in TA/training for EHE jurisdictions.

Best Practices



  • AETC National Coordinating Resource Center (NCRC)

    HIV clinical training resources for HRSA's AIDS Education and Training Centers Program.

  • Technical Assistance Provider Innovation Network (TAP-in)
    Guide for EHE jurisdictions on what they can do to enhance implementation of long-acting injectable antiretroviral therapy.
  • National Clinician Consultation Center

    Healthcare providers can receive no-cost expert clinical consultation in HIV prevention & care, HCV treatment, and substance use management.

  • Ryan White Data Support

    Instructions on the EHE data collection system.

  • Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team
    This resource provides an overview of each TA provider resource
  • Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team, Ryan White Data Support
    Instructions on how all EHE recipients can access, complete, and submit the EHE Allocations Report.
  • Ryan White Data Support
    Instructions on how all EHE recipients can access, complete, and submit the EHE Expenditures Report.
  • Technical Assistance Provider Innovation Network (TAP-in)

    This toolkit provides guidance and best practices on the evaluation of social media/media (SMM) campaigns. The information is meant to serve as a starting point for EHE jurisdictions to help you decide how best to measure the success of your SMM campaigns.

  • Technical Assistance Provider Innovation Network (TAP-in)

    Surveys for clients can be administered in clinic/agency settings to determine if the campaign influenced clients to seek care at the agency/clinic. The sample survey can be adopted to evaluate the reach and response to social and traditional media campaigns.

  • Technical Assistance Provider Innovation Network (TAP-in)
    Guidance and best practices on the evaluation of social media/media (SMM) campaigns.
  • Technical Assistance Provider Innovation Network (TAP-in)

    These campaign examples showcase different media campaigns.

  • Technical Assistance Provider Innovation Network (TAP-in)

    Through our work with EHE jurisdictions on monitoring and evaluation of social media/media (SMM) campaigns, TAP-in developed some initial guidance and tools that can serve as a starting point for EHE-funded jurisdictions in planning for and implementing how they are going to track and measure suc

  • Technical Assistance Provider Innovation Network (TAP-in)

    Below are useful links to help determine the metrics of various platforms. Some are direct from the platform companies (e.g., Facebook) while others are examples from firms or consultants that provide overviews on their webpages.

  • Technical Assistance Provider Innovation Network (TAP-in)

    The examples listed are from the Atlanta>AIDS Campaign, an EHE-funded, geographically targeted social media campaign to improve engagement in HIV care that used a variety of social media channels.

  • TargetHIV
    For inspiration, adaptation, or replication, explore some recent outreach efforts from government and community agencies. 
  • Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team
    Tools to provide reporting guidance for recipients and providers that receive Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative funding.
  • Technical Assistance Provider Innovation Network (TAP-in)
    What HIV care providers can do to create a rapid ART program to get HIV clients on treatment the same day as a diagnosis.
  • EHE Systems Coordination Provider
    List of local and state EHE points of contact.
  • HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)
    Compilation of resources available to assist jurisdictions with ending the HIV epidemic activities.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

    Federal agency within HHS responsible for promotion of health and well-being of Americans.

  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

    Portal for HIV/AIDS information from the U.S. federal government, including the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative.

  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

    Information and training resources for various community development programs under the auspices of HUD, including HOPWA, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS.

  • Technical Assistance Provider Innovation Network (TAP-in)
    Imagine: Ending HIV. It’s Possible. is TAP-in's national campaign to inspire the HIV workforce to end the HIV epidemic by reducing the number of new HIV infections by 90% by 2030.


Technical Assistance

  • TAP-in supports the 47 EHE jurisdictions funded by HRSA to strengthen their EHE work plans, promote cross-jurisdictional learning, and ensure jurisdictions have access to the resources they need. Project period: 2020-2025.

  • The central hub of the AETC Program, the clinical training arm of the RWHAP, through HIV curricula, technical support to regional AETCs on practice transformation and best practices, and housing of all AETC-developed tools for HIV clinical staff. Project period: 2019-2024.
  • The SCP delivers TA aimed at strengthening healthcare system engagement in local EHE efforts by supporting the coordination of planning activities, alignment of funding sources, and program implementation. Project period: 2020-2025.
  • Assessment of how, where, and why dissemination products are accessed and used, as well as the utility and performance of the products created under SPNS- and TA-funded initiatives. Project period: 2022-2025.