Identifying and disseminating new solutions is in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) DNA

Best Practices Compilation
Database of interventions with demonstrated effectiveness in improving client HIV outcomes.

Replication and Dissemination Tools
Projects like Integrating HIV Innovative Practices (IHIP) develop the tools you need to adapt and adopt best practices.

Demonstration Projects
Projects from the Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) program and others are the foundation of best practices and the IHIP project.
Technical assistance
HRSA HAB funds a number of technical assistance (TA) providers to help recipients innovate.
- AIDS Education and Training Centers - Regional centers support clinical practice transformation and capacity building across the country.
- Best Practices Compilation - Available to help write up your interventions for dissemination in their database.
- CQII - Coordinates peer-to-peer innovation collaboratives using a quality improvement approach.
- IHIP: Integrating HIV Innovative Practices - offers free consultation and support in implementing promising approaches. Provides templates and tools for documentation and adaptation.
- TAP-in - Intensive expert support for EHE jurisdictions.
- Your project officers - A good starting point when you want to try something new.