Archived Webinars
Key Stakeholder Engagement Matters! Syndemics, Health Disparities, and Coordinating Systems of Care (May 18, 2023)
HIV doesn't operate in a vacuum, separate from other health issues. Anyone who has been involved in HIV planning knows that Ryan White funding is combined with other sources to address the full spectrum of needs for people with HIV. Planning Councils/Planning Bodies (PC/PBs) can develop a more robust local system of care by learning more about the various services available in their communities through engagement of non-HIV funded key stakeholders, including both professional service providers and community members. This webinar will feature jurisdictions that have worked to address these questions and engage key stakeholder groups beyond the traditional HIV service provider network in their HIV planning efforts. They will share best practices, including what has and hasn't worked over time to engage key stakeholders. View archived webinar materials.
Building Resilience in the "Next Normal": Adjusting Your PC/PB Operations in an Ever-Changing World (February 23, 2023)
Join us to CHATT about building resiliency in an ever-changing world! Having a smoothly running PC/PB can be challenging enough in "normal" times, let alone in the ever-changing environment we currently live in due to COVID-19, natural disasters, and other events outside our control. This webinar features a panel of experts who made effective adjustments to their PC/PB operations due to COVID-19 and/or other disruptive events such as natural disasters. We explored key concepts around designing, planning, implementing, facilitating, and evaluating meetings to effectively accommodate various working modalities (in-person, hybrid, entirely remote). View archived webinar materials.
I am Somebody! Developing Leaders in Your PC/PB (December 8, 2022)
Planning Councils (PC) and Planning Bodies (PB) are built around strong engagement from the community, but PC/PB community members may think they need to have already developed leadership knowledge and skills before stepping into PC/PB leadership roles. In this webinar, we will show you that whoever you are and wherever you come from, 'You Are Somebody!" and you, too, can become an effective leader in your local PC/PB! We will feature an expert panel of community members who developed their leadership skills through working with their local PC/PB while exploring typical PC/PB leadership roles and structures, important knowledge areas and skill sets for leaders, and sample training and orientation plans. View archived webinar materials.
Achieving Reflectiveness: A Roadmap to Instill Cultural-Responsiveness as a Life-Long Learning Process in Your PC/PB (Part 2) (September 29, 2022)
Presenters in this webinar with lived experiences shared their stories and helped us recognize the difference between gender identity, gender expression, and sex at birth. This second webinar in the Achieving Reflectiveness series (Check out the 1st part, Let's talk about achieving cultural reflectiveness in your Planning Council/Planning Body (PC/PB)!) went beyond just meeting the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) legislation membership requirements to discuss innovative ways your PC/PB can engage the community and develop genuine connections with potential members using tools such as social media. View archived webinar materials.
Achieving Reflectiveness: A Roadmap Towards a Culturally-Responsive PC/PB (June 22, 2022)
In this webinar, presenters with lived experience shared their stories to help attendees understand the differences between cultural responsiveness and cultural humility. They shared best practices around implementing the meaningful involvement of people with HIV (MIPA framework). The conversation went beyond just meeting the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) legislation membership requirements to discussing innovative ways to engage the community and how to develop genuine connections with potential members, including LGBTQI+ populations. View archived webinar materials.
Make a Difference: How PC/PBs Can Strengthen The HIV System of Care (April 20, 2022)
This webinar gave an overview of the HIV system of care and how PC/PBs can help strengthen it. PC/PB members function as community planners for the HIV system of care. In order to be effective in this role, members and stakeholders must be able to understand the services and resources available, assess gaps, and identify opportunities for strengthening the local system. View archived webinar materials.
Virtual and Hybrid Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (PSRA) (March 3, 2022)
This webinar explored ways of conducting PSRA in hybrid and virtual environments, particularly focusing on ways that enhance PC/PB members' knowledge and engagement in the PSRA process. The presentation began with an overview of PSRA. Then, presenters from the Southeastern Michigan HIV/AIDS Council and San Francisco HIV Community Planning Council described their PSRA processes and how their councils have adapted to successfully conduct PSRA in a virtual format - and even had some fun in the process! View archived webinar materials.
Overview of The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A Planning Council Cycle (August 17, 2021)
This webinar gave an overview of each component of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part A planning cycle. View archived webinar materials.
Positive Intentions: Effective Communication and Relationship-Building Strategies for PC/PBs (June 9, 2021)
This webinar focused on strategies PC/PBs can use to reconcile various viewpoints when conducting PC/PB business to meet the needs of Ryan White HIV/AIDS (RWHAP) consumers.
Representatives from Nashville TGA and Minneapolis/St. Paul TGA shared strategies that can help maintain decorum in virtual and in-person meetings as well as conflict resolution strategies to help successfully resolve disagreements between PC/PB members, PCS staff, and other stakeholders. View archived webinar materials.
One Year Later: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (March 10, 2021)
This webinar reflected on Planning Councils/Planning Bodies’ (PC/PBs) challenges and successes with meeting legislative requirements a year into the COVID-19 public health emergency.
New York and Dallas EMA representatives detailed their experiences adapting to the changing environment and discussed practices and policies developed to address emerging challenges. Lastly, presenters provided strategies for addressing loss and grief due to the unexpected passing of PC/PB members. View archived webinar materials.
Let’s Work: Developing Work Plans for Part A Planning Councils/Planning Bodies (January 27, 2021)
This webinar provided an overview of work plan development, implementation, and maintenance strategies. Presenters shared adaptations made to their work plans in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters also shared examples of effective work plans. View archived webinar materials.
Setting the Standard: A Comprehensive Overview of Service Standards for Part A Planning Councils/Planning Bodies (November 4, 2020)
This webinar provided an overview of service standards and strategies for developing, reviewing, and updating service standards. Presenters from St. Louis TGA and Los Angeles EMA shared resources to support these efforts. The webinar also provided suggestions for how to conduct these activities during the COVID-19 public health emergency. View archived webinar materials.
Elevating Consumer Voices (January 23, 2020)
Although all planning councils/planning bodies (PC/PB) have consumer members, the extent to which their voice is given equal weight to other membership categories varies. This webinar focused on the importance of building consumer leadership skills and provided strategies and best practices to help ensure and amplify consumer input into PC/PB activities. The webinar featured presenters from the Atlanta and San Francisco EMAs sharing their strategies for engaging and elevating consumers’ voices. Presenters discussed training approaches to build consumers’ capacity to participate in and lead PC/PB activities. View archived webinar materials.
Making Room at the Table: Recruiting, Retaining, and Engaging Youth and Young Adults (October 30, 2019)
The membership of Planning Council and Planning Bodies are intended to be reflective of the people affected by HIV in their community. This webinar focused on improving reflectiveness and representation by working to build up youth and young adult involvement in PC/PBs. Attendees strengthened their understanding of the value of a multi-generational PC/PB and identified strategies to recruit, retain, and meaningfully engage youth and young adults in PC/PB activities. The webinar included strategies that can be used to build multi-generational harmony in PC/PB operations. View archived webinar materials.
Using Data for Decision Making: Part 1 (May 23, 2019)
This is the first webinar in a two-part series on Using Data for Decision Making. Both webinars presented strategies that planning councils/planning bodies (PC/PBs) can use to gather, analyze, and incorporate data into their RWHAP HIV planning activities. The first webinar focused on introducing data types, sources, terminology, and strategies for PC/PB members to analyze the comprehensiveness and quality of data. View archived webinar materials.
Using Data for Decision Making: Part 2 (May 30, 2019)
This is the second webinar in a two-part series on Using Data for Decision Making. This webinar discussed how data can be used to carry out PC/PB legislative responsibilities and offer perspectives from PC/PB members on how to balance the roles of advocate and planner. Presenters introduced methods to creatively present data in accessible formats. View archived webinar materials.
Setting the Foundation for a Good Relationship between PC/PB and RWHAP Recipient (April 16, 2019)
The webinar helped PC/PBs and RWHAP recipients identify points of tension and select appropriate approaches to manage and work through those points of tension. The webinar also explored how “positive tension” can be beneficial and present strategies to respond to tension in a constructive manner. Presenters from Los Angeles EMA and Memphis TGA shared real-life examples of pressure points and successful management of tension that have enabled them to build positive working relationships between the PC/PB and the Recipient. View archived webinar materials.
Recruitment and Retention of New Planning Council/Planning Body Members (January 16, 2019)
This webinar (January 16, 2019) focused on strategies to improve recruitment and retention of new PC/PB members. Speakers provided insights into the legislatively required membership categories, presented a recommended process for bringing on new members, and shared best and promising practices such as establishing consumer trust and effective, ongoing orientation throughout the year. Members of the Detroit EMA and Bergen-Passaic TGA PC/PBs discussed their general approaches to recruitment and retention of new members, challenges they have faced, and their most effective strategies to overcome challenges and build a strong, effective PC/PB. View archived webinar materials.
Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (July 17, 2018)
This webinar focused on the priority setting and resource allocation (PSRA) process that Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part A planning councils/planning bodies need to engage in every year. Presenters bean with an overview of priority setting and resource allocation, with particular attention to the legislative requirements for allocation of funds. Presenters then explained the steps involved in PSRA, and discussed key factors planning councils/planning bodies should consider when making PSRA decisions. View archived webinar materials.
Conducting RWHAP Part A Planning Council/Planning Body Needs Assessments (May 8, 2018)
This webinar on Conducting RWHAP Part A Planning Council/Planning Body Needs Assessments focused on the needs assessment process that Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part A planning councils/planning bodies need to engage in every year. Presenters discussed the timing and importance of regularly collecting needs assessment data, and provided an overview of the data collection process. Presenters also provided a case study on consumer leadership of the needs assessment process.
View archived webinar materials.
Building Strong Planning Councils/Planning Bodies Part II: Tools and Strategies for Building and Maintaining Strong Relationships (February 28, 2018)
This webinar focused on the relationships between planning councils/planning bodies and other essential programs including, the RWHAP Part A recipient, Chief Executive Officer’s Board/Supervisory Office, Administrative Agency, community members living with HIV, providers of RWHAP Part A services, and HRSA HAB. Presenters shared strategies to strengthen coordination and communication between these entities and improve the community’s capacity to provide high-quality services to PLWH. Presenters described ideal relationships between these entities, helped organizations identify pressure points and causes of conflict, and provided an overview of strategies to navigate group dynamics to overcome conflicts and challenges. Presenters also shared resources to support effective collaboration.
View archived webinar materials.
Building Strong Planning Councils/Planning Bodies Part I: Roles and Responsibilities (February 21, 2018)
This webinar focused on the duties and roles of PC/PB membership, planning council support staff, and RWHAP Part A Recipient. Presenters shared strategies to help all parties understand and operate within the boundaries and limitations of their roles and responsibilities, with an emphasis on effective communication as a strategy for successful collaboration between entities.
View archived webinar materials.