Herramientas en Español (Tools in Spanish)


The need for Spanish language and culturally-appropriate HIV resources is great as around one-fourth of U.S. HIV/AIDS cases are among Hispanic individuals. We have dozens of Spanish language resources designed to help meet that demand, developed by Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) agencies and HRSA to improve HIV care delivery. 

Who Are Our Visitors?

Five percent of visitors to this site have Spanish as their primary browser language. The RWHAP serves Spanish-speaking clients in every state and territory. HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau has a fairly long track record of developing initiatives targeting Hispanic individuals living with HIV (see sidebar).

A Sampling of Spanish Language Tools

Review this site’s Spanish language materials, from tools to help consumers get health coverage and get engaged in planning as well as provider resources like a guide of best practices on reaching and engaging people with HIV in care.