Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team

Introducing DISQ

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What Is DISQ?

The goal of the Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team is to enhance the completeness, accuracy and consistency of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) client-level data through capacity building, training and technical assistance (TA) for recipients and providers. The DISQ Team (previously DART) offers TA and support to the RWHAP community on the following data submissions:

DISQ also supports recipients and providers in understanding reporting requirements and best practices in data management including data collection, mapping, integration, quality, and effective use throughout the year.

How We Can Help

Data Reporting

  • Guiding new users on where to start
  • Mapping source data to required reporting variables/schema
  • Structuring data in the required format (e.g. XML, MS Excel)
  • Using TRAX, a free application supported by HRSA, to create an XML file


  • Linking data from multiple sources (e.g. EHRs, RSR/ADR-Ready Systems, HIV surveillance)
  • Enhancing data-related capacity and infrastructure
  • Supporting the ongoing collection, use and reporting of RWHAP data


  • Determining if data systems currently collect required data
  • Helping data system vendors understand and meet reporting requirements
  • Connecting recipients who use the same data system and facilitating peer learning


  • Identifying and addressing data quality issues Using system generated reports including the Upload Completeness and Validation Reports to check data quality
  • Supporting long-term, sustainable solutions to improve data quality
  • Facilitating regular data quality reviews

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