Data Webinar Calendar

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team

Join the Data Integration, Systems, and Quality Team (DISQ) and Ryan White Data Support for upcoming webinars, or view recently archived, completed webinars.

In addition to the webinars listed below, Ryan White Data Support also hosts yearly webinars on the Program Terms Report/Allocations Report and the Expenditures Report, and holds intermittent webinars on the Dental Services and AETC reports.

In addition to webinars, the DISQ Team hosts EHR User Group Calls, Office Hours, and RSR Orientation Calls.

Webinars and Resources by Topic Area

Topic AreaWebinarResource CollectionTimeline
RSRRSR WebinarsRSR Resource CollectionRSR Submission Timeline
ADRADR WebinarsADR Resource CollectionADR Submission Timeline
EHEEHE WebinarsEHE Resource CollectionEHE Submission Timeline
HIVQMHIVQM WebinarsHIVQM Resource CollectionHIVQM Submission Timeline
All RWHAP Technical Assistance Resources 

Upcoming Webinars

ADR August 7, 2024 ADR Town Hall 
RSRSeptember 11, 2024RSR: The Basics
EHESeptember 25, 2024Data Reporting Requirements for EHE-funded Recipients and Providers
RSROctober 09, 2024Using CAREWare for RSR Reporting
RSROctober 16, 2024Preparing for 2024 RSR Reporting: Updates and Best Practices
RSROctober 23, 2024Overview of HRSA's Electronic Handbooks for Grant Recipients
ADROctober 30, 2024Preparing for 2024 ADR Reporting: Updates and Best Practices
RSRNovember 6, 2024RSR Check Your XML Feature
RSRNovember 13, 2024How to Complete the RSR Recipient Report Using the GCMS
HIVQMNovember 20, 2024Performance Measures and the HIVQM
RSRDecember 4, 2024RSR TRAX
RSRDecember 18, 2024Moving Beyond Data Completeness: Ensuring RSR Data Reflect Services Provided

Recently Archived Webinars

AETCJune 5, 2024Preparing for the 2024 AETC Submission 
RSRMay 15, 2024RSR Town Hall
EHEMay 8, 2024Completing the EHE Triannual Module Provider Report 
EHEMay 1, 2024Completing the EHE Triannual Module Recipient Report
AETCApril 30, 2024AETC Data Quality: Part 1
ADRApril 24, 2024ADR Data Quality: Lessons from Outreach 
ADRApril 3, 2024Completing the ADR: Recipient Report & Client Level Data Upload
ADRMarch 6, 2024Using CAREWare for ADR Reporting 
RSRFebruary 21, 2024RSR UCR Bootcamp 
ADRFebruary 14, 2024Reviewing Your Data at Upload: Tools in the ADR Web System and the Check Your XML Feature
RSRFebruary 7, 2024Reviewing Your Data at Upload: Tools in the RSR Web System
RSRJanuary 31, 2024Completing the 2023 RSR Provider Report
RSRJanuary 24, 2024Creating the RSR Client-Level Data File
RSRJanuary 17, 2024Prepping for RSR Submission: Key Steps for High-Quality Data
ADRDecember 13, 2023Strategies for ADR Data Integration
RSRDecember 6, 2023Moving Beyond Data Completeness: Ensuring RSR Clinical Data Reflect Services Being Provided
RSRNovember 29, 2023RSR TRAX 
HIVQMNovember 15, 2023Performance Measures and the HIVQM
RSRNovember 8, 2023How to Complete the RSR Recipient Report Using the GCMS
RSRNovember 1, 2023RSR: Check Your XML Feature
ADROctober 25, 2023Preparing for 2023 ADR Reporting: Updates and Best Practices
RSROctober 18, 2023Overview of HRSA's Electronic Handbooks for Grant Recipients
RSROctober 11, 2023Preparing for 2023 RSR Reporting: Updates and Best Practices
RSROctober 4, 2023Using CAREWare for RSR Reporting
EHESeptember 27, 2023Data Reporting Requirements for EHE-funded Recipients and Providers
RSRSeptember 13, 2023RSR: The Basics
ADRAugust 2, 2023ADR Town Hall
ADRApril 12, 2023ADR TRAX
ADROctober 4, 2022CAREWare ADAP Domain Feedback Session
HIVQMNovember 17, 2021Stories from the Field: Using the HIV Quality Measures Module to Monitor Your Performance Measures
HIVQMFebruary 23, 2021How to Complete the HIV Quality Measures (HIVQM) Module

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