This set of Quick Reference Handouts (QRH) from the Training Guide for RWHAP Part A Planning Councils/Planning Bodies provides foundational information on a wide range of topics that planning council members need to know about. Select from the QRHs below–as needed–to find basic and practical information on PC/PB roles and responsibilities, PC/PB membership, needs assessment, priority setting and resource allocation (PSRA), data-based decision making, and PC/PB structure and operations.
To find these Quick Reference Handouts in Spanish, see Recursos en Espanol.
For an overview of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) and the role of Part A planning councils in strengthening the local HIV service system, see the RWHAP Part A Planning Council Primer.
Quick Reference Handouts
- QRH 1.1: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Timeline (PDF)
- QRH 2.1: What is RWHAP Part A HIV Community Planning? (PDF)
- QRH 2.2: PC/PB Roles and Responsibilities – Defined by Legislation, Policies, and Guidance (PDF)
- QRH 2.3: Understanding RWHAP Part A-Fundable Service Categories (PDF)
- QRH 2.4: Consumer Roles in RWHAP Part A Planning (PDF)
- QRH 3.1: Annotated Flow Chart of the Annual RWHAP Part A Planning Cycle (PDF)
- QRH 4.1: Needs Assessment—Putting the Pieces Together (PDF)
- QRH 4.2: Multi-Year Needs Assessment Plan (PDF)
- QRH 5.1: Understanding Part A-fundable Service Categories (PDF)
- QRH 5.2: Directives (PDF)
- QRH 5.3: Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (PSRA) Overview (PDF)
- QRH 5.4: Priority Setting (PDF)
- QRH 5.5: Resource Allocation (PDF)
- QRH 5.6: Reallocation (PDF)
- QRH 6.1: Localizing a Joint Integrated/Comprehensive Plan (PDF)
- QRH 7.1: Eleven Ways PC/PBs Can Help Improve the System of HIV Care (PDF)
- QRH 7.2: Assessment of the Administrative Mechanism (PDF)
- QRH 7.3: Developing and Updating Service Standards (PDF)
- QRH 8.1: Working Successfully with the Recipient: Tips for PC/PBs (PDF)
- QRH 8.2. Recruiting a Representative and Reflective PC/PB (PDF)
- QRH 8.3: Most-Needed PC/PB Policies and Procedures (PDF)
- QRH 8.4: Managing Conflict of Interest (PDF)
- QRH 8.5: Grievance Procedures (PDF)
- QRH 8.6: PC/PB Succession Planning (PDF)
- QRH 8.7: PC/PB Support (PDF)
- QRH 9.1: Preparing Minutes of PC/PB and Committee Meetings: Do’s and Don’ts (PDF)
- QRH 9.2: Effective Meetings: Tips for PC/PB and Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs (PDF)
- QRH 9.3: The PC/PB as a High-Performing Team: Using the Tuckman Model of Group Development (PDF)
- QRH 9.4: Roles and Tasks for PC/PB Leaders and Staff (PDF)
- QRH 9.5: Training and Supporting PC/PB Officers as Leaders (PDF)
- QRH 9.6: Ten Strategies for Inclusive HIV Community Planning (PDF)
- QRH 9.7: Alternatives to Robert's Rules of Order (PDF)
- QRH 9.8: Effective Committees (PDF)
- QRH 10.1: PC/PB Guide to Data Types and Sources (PDF)
- QRH 10.2: Triangulating Data (PDF)
- QRH 10.3: Supporting Data-Based Decision Making: A Checklist for PC/PBs (PDF)
- QRH 10.4: PC/PB Members as Advocates and Planners (PDF)