Module 8: PC/PB Structure and Governance


This module is designed to provide an overview of how a PC/PB is structured and organized to meet federal requirements and local needs—through Bylaws, policies and procedures, legislatively defined and diverse membership, appropriate staffing, and a well-defined and productive relationship with the recipient. It focuses on legislative and HRSA/HAB expectations for PC/PB structure and membership, as well as sound practices for meeting those expectations.

Content Overview

Materials for this Module

 Module 8: Notes for Trainers

Structure and Staffing

 PowerPoint Slides 8.1: Structure and Staffing
 Activity 8.1: Quick Scenarios to Apply Knowledge
 Quick Reference Handout 8.1. Working Successfully with the Recipient: Tips for PC/PBs
 Folleto de referencia rápida 8.1: Trabajo exitoso con el destinatario — Consejos para los PC/PB
 Quick Reference Handout 8.3: Most-Needed PC/PB Policies and Procedures
 Quick Reference Handout 8.4: Managing Conflict of Interest
 Quick Reference Handout 8.5: Grievance Procedures
 Quick Reference Handout 8.6: PC/PB Succession Planning
 Quick Reference Handout 8.7: PC/PB Support


PowerPoint Slides 8.2: Membership
Activity 8.2: Quick Discussions to Apply Knowledge
Activity 8.3: Making Your PC/PB Member-Friendly
Quick Reference Handout 8.2. Recruiting a Representative and Reflective PC/PB
Folleto de referencia rápida 8.2: La formación de un PC/PB con representación y representatividad

For More Information

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