Data Managers

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) data managers are responsible for management of RWHAP data reporting through the RWHAP client-level data system. Data are used to monitor recipient and subrecipient compliance with program requirements and the effectiveness of RWHAP services toward national HIV/AIDS goals, including addressing disparities among communities of color.

Basics for Data Managers

Resources and TA/Training for Data Managers

Find Technical Assistance and Training for projects that deliver support to RWHAP agencies.

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Best Practices - This collection of HIV service interventions have been reviewed for their demonstrated effectiveness at improving client health outcomes. 

Stay Informed - Sign up for HRSA-supported RWHAP listservs.

Key Resources


  • HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)

    Federal agency that administers the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP), which helps low-income people with HIV receive care.



  • Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team
    Review of the fundamental concepts behind the ADR.
  • Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team

    This series of videos covers the fundamental concepts behind the Ryan White Services Report (RSR) for new and experienced grantees.

  • HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)
    Resources for RWHAP recipients on administering their grants, including reverse site visit materials.

Upcoming Events


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Do you have a great tool, slide deck or other resource that you would like to share with your peers? Submit it here.

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